The core concept of this advertising campaign is encapsulated in the phrase, "Every road, like every engine, deserves the best oil. Addinol ensures your journey is smooth." This message serves as a foundation for the entire campaign, emphasizing the universal need for high-quality oil that supports both the engine's performance and the driver's experience.
Visual Strategy:
The visuals for the campaign were designed to be both beautiful and thought-provoking. By using natural landscapes as a backdrop for our metaphors, we aim to evoke a sense of peace and reliability—qualities that Addinol embodies. The imagery of smooth roads cutting through serene landscapes conveys ease and confidence, reinforcing the message that with Addinol oil, every journey—no matter how tough the road—will be smooth.
Throughout the campaign, this concept is reinforced through various media. Billboards, online ads, and print materials all feature the slogan prominently, accompanied by visuals that clearly depict the metaphor of the road and engine. This consistent reinforcement helps solidify Addinol’s brand identity as a provider of top-quality oils that ensure smooth travels and engine reliability.
Message Reinforcement:
Throughout the campaign, this concept is reinforced through various media. Billboards, online ads, and print materials all feature the slogan prominently, accompanied by visuals that clearly depict the metaphor of the road and engine. This consistent reinforcement helps solidify Addinol’s brand identity as a provider of top-quality oils that ensure smooth travels and engine reliability.
Promotional t-shirts, I designed a two-color print using the campaign's main visual pattern to align with the brand identity while ensuring cost-efficiency. Opting for silkscreen printing allowed for large-scale production at reduced costs, maintaining high-quality and durability in materials chosen for everyday wear. These t-shirts, distributed at events and sold online, effectively extended the brand's reach and reinforced its message in a practical, wearable format.
Сustom diary with a unique approach to its page layout, specifically crafted to inspire creativity and flexibility in its use. The diary features undated pages, allowing users to fill it in as they wish without the constraints of a traditional calendar structure. 
This design choice encourages personalization and adaptability, making it ideal for those who need a non-traditional planning tool that adapts to their scheduling needs and creative impulses. The layout includes ample space for notes, drawings, and various entries, providing a versatile platform for both planning and expressing one's thoughts and ideas freely.
Additional materials developed as part of the project
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